Jesus told the woman that salvation was of the Jews, (Israelites).
Now, ask yourself, of all the different religions why none of them ever speak of the Lord's congregation? You know, the one where the Lord spoke to Moses saying, "Speak to the congregation of Israel; Exodus 12:3. As you can see the LORD called Israel His congregation, (church). Some people say the church started on Pentecost; Acts 2nd chapter, after Jesus' resurrection.
However, this is not so. The Jews (Israelites) were keeping the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost), as they had been doing since they were in the wilderness, after coming out of Egypt; Leviticus 23:15-21. Also, If you read very carefully, you will notice that there were only Jews (Israelites) at the feast spoken of in the second chapter of Acts.
Now turn to Acts 7:31-38. We read where Moses was in the church in the wilderness. So, now we can see that the churh did not start on Pentecost, right?
If Moses was in the church in the wilderness, Israel must be the church? If Israel is the church in the Old Testament, the who is the church in the New Testament? Where is the true church today? When Jesus came down out of the mountains after forty (40) days, He started teaching the people. "He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, (seventh day of the week), as His custom was".
Now here we see that the church in Luke 4:13-16, is still the same church that Moses was in, in the wilderness. What most people do not know is that the LORD was also in that church, and walked among the congregation of Israel.
To Be Continued
Brother Ty