
I have been sitting here thinking, “What should I write about”, when I asked the Lord to show me, for there are many Scriptures and subjects in the Holy Bible (KJV), those who are seeking the truth; that much we all know. The whole world is out of course, the economy is bad all over the earth.
There is violence, and wars, famine and earthquakes all over the planet and the people don’t consider what is going on. They hear that we are in the “last days”, but do not consider that all this was foretold by the Prophets and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Matthew 24:1-8.
So who is warning the People today that these are the “last days”, and informing them of who is causing all this chaos, and weakening the nations.
Well, let’s take a look at who is running the kingdoms of this world. Turn to Luke 4:5-7. Here we read where the Devil is talking to Jesus and showing Him all the Kingdoms of the world in a moment of time; telling Him that they were delivered to him, and that if Jesus would bow down and worship him he would give all this power to Jesus.
Now think about what you have just read, the Devil says, “all the kingdoms are his“, and that he is worshiped by those to whom he gives this power to. Now, if he asked the Lord to worship him, while He was in the flesh; what about the rest of us?
He deceives the whole world; as stated in Revelation 12:9. Thank about it, how does he deceive the whole world? Which means me, you and everyone else has been deceived at some point for the Scriptures did not say he deceived some of the world, or part of the world, but the whole world. Now, just think, how is it that he deceives the whole world? He does it through spiritual wickedness in high places, Ephesians 6:11-12, which is the church. For Jesus said to the chief Priest and captains of the temple when they came to arrest Him in the garden, that this was their hour and the power of darkness, Luke 22:52-53.
Did you notice that it was the church people who came to arrest Jesus? They did the bidding of their “father” the Devil, as Jesus had told them in John 8:37-44. So, you see, spiritual wickedness is in the pulpits of the church, which is the highest place on the Earth. The men in the positions of feeding the flock teach them the lies of the Devil, they teach lies to deceive the people into worshiping another Jesus, 2 Corinthians 11:4, yes, another Jesus. Yes, I said another Jesus, for the Devil passes himself off as an angel of light (Truth), 2 Corinthians 11:13-15. His ministers transform themselves into the Apostles of Christ, ministers of righteousness.
The Devil has said he wants to be like the Most High; that he will ascend into Heaven and reign over the stars (Angels) of God. He also said that he will sit in the mount of the congregation in the sides of the North, Isaiah 14:12-14. So, here we read that Satan the Devil (Lucifer), wants to reign in Heaven and over the congregation on the Earth, because the sides of the North is the city (Jerusalem) of the Great King. Satan says that he will have his throne in Jerusalem, the city of David, whose throne Jesus will sit on, Psalms 48:1-2. Satan also thinks to change times and laws through his religious leaders, Daniel 7:25.
The time that he thought to change was when the day begins and ends: 12:00 am – 11:59 pm. Do you notice that if you are outside at midnight when the new day starts there is no change, it is still dark. The Lord said in the beginning—the evening and morning were the first day, Genesis 1:1-5. As you can see God set forth a difference in the change of the day—when it gets dark it is the beginning of a new day, not when it gets light.
So you see the man of perdition, the Antichrist, the Devil’s servant not only thinks to change time, he also thinks to change laws. The Devil wants to be worshiped, so he set up his Sabbaths, one of them being the first day of the week, Sunday. He says that the Sabbath was changed from the seventh day, Saturday, to Sunday, the first day of the week.
You can read how it was changed in 321 AD by Emperor Constantine, so that now the majority of Christendom goes to church on Sunday. All this is recorded in various History books. The other Laws that he tried to change are the Dietary Law, Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14, the Lord’s Feast Days, Leviticus 23. Modern day Christendom says that these Laws do not have to be observed anymore. Furthermore, his minister’s teach that you don’t have to be circumcised anymore.
When the Lord made the covenant with Abraham the circumcision was/is the sign for Abraham’s seed and for, ”…the stranger that would sojourn among you—it is an everlasting covenant”, Genesis 17:9-14. I ask you this: “Who can change God’s Word (Law), if He says it is an everlasting covenant?” You see the Devil deceived the world into going to church on the first day and not having to be circumcised. If you are not circumcised you can not partake in the Passover, which occurs in its season (fourteenth day of the first month at evening, Leviticus 23:5.
Exodus 12:43, 47-49, gives us the Ordinance of the Passover. Jesus is become our Passover, 1Corinthians 5:7 when He was sacrificed for us. So, if you are not circumcised you cannot partake of the Passover—Jesus.
However, the Ministers of the god of this world say you do not have to be circumcised anymore. As a matter of fact, they call the Passover Communion and do it at least once a month instead of “once a year in its season”. The Ministers of the god of this world put their own traditions before God’s Word.
Let’s take look at another deception that the god of this world has used to deceive the people through his Ministers to get people to bow down and to worship him. Turn to Jeremiah 10:1-5, 8, here we read that the Lord is telling Israel not to put up the “Christmas tree” for it is a doctrine of vanities.
Now, most people don’t give any consideration that they are bringing an idol into their home each year, Deuteronomy 4: 25-26, decking it with silver and gold color ornaments and putting presents under the tree. Now think about this, you get down on your knees in front of the tree, and yet you say that you don’t bow down to it. However, you are on your knees celebrating your god’s birthday—December 25th—because Jesus Christ was not born in December, but in late August or early September, because Jesus was 33 ½ years old when He was crucified on the Passover, which occurs in late march or early April, so count back six months and you come up with September or August.
Another way is history tells us that Caesar Augustus made a decree that everyone had to be taxed and this was done in August or September of 4 BC. But all this is really irrelevant, because nowhere in the Scriptures does it state we are to keep the Lord’s birthday or celebrate His birthday.
However, the Ministers of this age teach that we should celebrate Christmas. They also put forth the desires of their “god”, who wants to go to heaven and take everyone with him, Isaiah 14:12-14. You hear it every time you go to a funeral. The spiel is, “They are not dead, but gone to their tabernacle in heaven and they are looking down on their loved ones”.
This is a lie that is being preached, but it is the same lie that was told in the beginning when the Serpent (Satan) told Eve, “You shall not die”, Genesis 3:4. So when the Preacher says that the deceased “Are gone home to Heaven” or “Made their transition/homecoming”, it is a lie! Your home is not in Heaven, but it is in the Earth, for the first man Adam was made a living soul, from the dust of the ground, 1 Corinthians 15:45, 47. So, our father, Adam, came from the ground, Genesis 2:7, verily when man dies, he returns to the ground from whence we came, Genesis 3:19.
The Devil wants to return to Heaven, because that is where he came from, Revelation12:7-9. The Scriptures say, “No man has ascended into Heaven”, John 3:13. This is part of the lie that his Ministers teach, namely, that when you die you are going to Heaven.
Another deception that his Ministers teach is that Jesus died on “Good Friday” and rose on “Easter Sunday morning”. This is one of the greatest lies ever told, because the Scriptures tell a different story. Jesus said He would be in the grave for three days and three nights, Matthew 12:39-40.
However, according to Daniel 9:26-27, “The Messiah was cut off in the middle of the week”. The middle of the week is the fourth day—Wednesday. If He was in the heart of the Earth for three days and three nights, He was in the grave Wednesday night; Thursday night; Friday night, which makes three nights. He was in the grave Thursday during the day, Friday during the day and Saturday during the day which equals three days, just as Jesus said in Matthew 12:39-40.
Yet, the Devil’s Ministers call Jesus a lie and say, “He died on Friday and rose Sunday morning (Easter Sunday) and have you come worship on Sunday at sunrise”, when in actuality you are being deceived by the Devil and his Ministers who have you worshiping the sun, because when Mary came to the sepulchre on the first day of the week while it was still dark, and Jesus was gone, for He had risen, John 20:1; Matthew 28:1-6, He rose at the end of the Sabbath day. Also, Jesus said to remember His death, not His resurrection, Luke 22:19-20, which we are to do every year at Passover, not Easter, nor the first Sunday of every month. So, are you beginning to see how the Devil deceives the whole world? He does it by way of religion.
Let us continue to another deception. How about the three wise men, where did they get that from? The Scriptures just say wise men came to Jerusalem, Matthew 2:1. So I ask you how did they come up with three? Perhaps it was because of the gifts!
Another lie they put forth is that the Church started on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2nd chapter. However if you read carefully you will see that on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-12) you will notice that there were only “Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven”, because the Lord had scattered Israel all over the Earth, for not keeping His commandments. These men knew who they were and came to keep Pentecost, as the Lord had commanded, Leviticus 23:15-16, 21.
They were not down in Jerusalem tarrying for the Holy Ghost, as the “god” of this world’s Ministers, but were keeping the Feast of Weeks/Pentecost, Exodus 34:22. Pentecost means fifty.
There were no Gentiles or anyone from another nation there when the Lord sent His Angels to translate the words that the Apostles were speaking. They have taken this, also, and turned it into a sign that you have to speak in tongues. You can see that the people like what the so-called Preachers teach, because they do not have to obey the Word of God. They say to their Ministers/Preachers, “Speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits”, Isaiah 30:9-10. They want to hear fables, Santa Claus is coming to town, or Here comes Peter Cottontail hopping down the bunny trail, or going to Heaven and let us not forget, the Lord loves everyone, 2Timothy4:3-4.
Another deception that is taught as doctrine is the Great Tribulation will be for seven years. They go to Daniel 9:27 to try to prove this errant statement. They use the ninth chapter of Daniel to say “the Antichrist will confirm the covenant with many for one week”, however, this is not talking about the Antichrist, it is speaking of the Lord. What I do not understand is how people don’t know the difference between confirm and make. The Great Tribulation will only be three and one half years, not seven. All this is written in the Scriptures of truth, Daniel 10:21.
Another doctrine is taught by Satan’s Ministers is what is called the Rapture. Here they really confuse the people, they teach that the Lord is coming to get His Church before the Tribulation but the Scriptures say the Son of Man is coming after the Tribulation, Matthew 24:29-30. We have a Post on most of these subjects, which goes into detail about such things as the Rapture.
One of the best taught false doctrines is the Trinity, “God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost”. Nowhere in the Scriptures can you find “God the Holy Ghost”, yet his (Satan’s) Ministers go to 1 John 5:7, to justify the Trinity, however, that is not what 1 John 5:7 is saying. It speaks of the Father; the Word (Son) and the Holy Ghost (Angel), that bare record in Heaven. You can see this clearly in Revelation 1:1. Here we see the three that bare record in Heaven: The Father gave the record to Jesus, Jesus gave record to His Angel whom He sent to give it to John, in the earth. But most people don’t want to see the truth.
They love to drink from the cup that is in the woman’s hand in Revelation 17:1-5; full of abominations. Since they do not want to hear the truth, God will send them a strong delusion that they should believe a lie, 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12. The Bible says “For if our Gospel is hid from them that are lost, for the god of this world has blinded them which believe not the truth”, 2 Corinthians 4:1-4.
If you think that your Pastor is teaching the truth, then, ask him to explain Matthew 24:15, if he can! If your Pastor is a “New Testament Preacher”, he doesn’t know what was spoken of by Daniel. It is evident that people do not know that the Lord said to “come out” of the false church and be not partakers in her sins that you receive not her plagues, Revelation 18:3-5.
“For they have transgressed the laws; changed the ordinance; broken the everlasting covenant”, Isaiah 24:5. And “speak not according to the Law (Old Testament) and the Testimony (New Testament) because there is no light in them”, Isaiah 8:20. So now, I pray that you can see some of the deception that the Devil puts forth. If what you are being taught is not in the Scriptures of Truth, put no stock in it!
There is violence, and wars, famine and earthquakes all over the planet and the people don’t consider what is going on. They hear that we are in the “last days”, but do not consider that all this was foretold by the Prophets and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Matthew 24:1-8.
So who is warning the People today that these are the “last days”, and informing them of who is causing all this chaos, and weakening the nations.
Well, let’s take a look at who is running the kingdoms of this world. Turn to Luke 4:5-7. Here we read where the Devil is talking to Jesus and showing Him all the Kingdoms of the world in a moment of time; telling Him that they were delivered to him, and that if Jesus would bow down and worship him he would give all this power to Jesus.
Now think about what you have just read, the Devil says, “all the kingdoms are his“, and that he is worshiped by those to whom he gives this power to. Now, if he asked the Lord to worship him, while He was in the flesh; what about the rest of us?
He deceives the whole world; as stated in Revelation 12:9. Thank about it, how does he deceive the whole world? Which means me, you and everyone else has been deceived at some point for the Scriptures did not say he deceived some of the world, or part of the world, but the whole world. Now, just think, how is it that he deceives the whole world? He does it through spiritual wickedness in high places, Ephesians 6:11-12, which is the church. For Jesus said to the chief Priest and captains of the temple when they came to arrest Him in the garden, that this was their hour and the power of darkness, Luke 22:52-53.
Did you notice that it was the church people who came to arrest Jesus? They did the bidding of their “father” the Devil, as Jesus had told them in John 8:37-44. So, you see, spiritual wickedness is in the pulpits of the church, which is the highest place on the Earth. The men in the positions of feeding the flock teach them the lies of the Devil, they teach lies to deceive the people into worshiping another Jesus, 2 Corinthians 11:4, yes, another Jesus. Yes, I said another Jesus, for the Devil passes himself off as an angel of light (Truth), 2 Corinthians 11:13-15. His ministers transform themselves into the Apostles of Christ, ministers of righteousness.
The Devil has said he wants to be like the Most High; that he will ascend into Heaven and reign over the stars (Angels) of God. He also said that he will sit in the mount of the congregation in the sides of the North, Isaiah 14:12-14. So, here we read that Satan the Devil (Lucifer), wants to reign in Heaven and over the congregation on the Earth, because the sides of the North is the city (Jerusalem) of the Great King. Satan says that he will have his throne in Jerusalem, the city of David, whose throne Jesus will sit on, Psalms 48:1-2. Satan also thinks to change times and laws through his religious leaders, Daniel 7:25.
The time that he thought to change was when the day begins and ends: 12:00 am – 11:59 pm. Do you notice that if you are outside at midnight when the new day starts there is no change, it is still dark. The Lord said in the beginning—the evening and morning were the first day, Genesis 1:1-5. As you can see God set forth a difference in the change of the day—when it gets dark it is the beginning of a new day, not when it gets light.
So you see the man of perdition, the Antichrist, the Devil’s servant not only thinks to change time, he also thinks to change laws. The Devil wants to be worshiped, so he set up his Sabbaths, one of them being the first day of the week, Sunday. He says that the Sabbath was changed from the seventh day, Saturday, to Sunday, the first day of the week.
You can read how it was changed in 321 AD by Emperor Constantine, so that now the majority of Christendom goes to church on Sunday. All this is recorded in various History books. The other Laws that he tried to change are the Dietary Law, Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14, the Lord’s Feast Days, Leviticus 23. Modern day Christendom says that these Laws do not have to be observed anymore. Furthermore, his minister’s teach that you don’t have to be circumcised anymore.
When the Lord made the covenant with Abraham the circumcision was/is the sign for Abraham’s seed and for, ”…the stranger that would sojourn among you—it is an everlasting covenant”, Genesis 17:9-14. I ask you this: “Who can change God’s Word (Law), if He says it is an everlasting covenant?” You see the Devil deceived the world into going to church on the first day and not having to be circumcised. If you are not circumcised you can not partake in the Passover, which occurs in its season (fourteenth day of the first month at evening, Leviticus 23:5.
Exodus 12:43, 47-49, gives us the Ordinance of the Passover. Jesus is become our Passover, 1Corinthians 5:7 when He was sacrificed for us. So, if you are not circumcised you cannot partake of the Passover—Jesus.
However, the Ministers of the god of this world say you do not have to be circumcised anymore. As a matter of fact, they call the Passover Communion and do it at least once a month instead of “once a year in its season”. The Ministers of the god of this world put their own traditions before God’s Word.
Let’s take look at another deception that the god of this world has used to deceive the people through his Ministers to get people to bow down and to worship him. Turn to Jeremiah 10:1-5, 8, here we read that the Lord is telling Israel not to put up the “Christmas tree” for it is a doctrine of vanities.
Now, most people don’t give any consideration that they are bringing an idol into their home each year, Deuteronomy 4: 25-26, decking it with silver and gold color ornaments and putting presents under the tree. Now think about this, you get down on your knees in front of the tree, and yet you say that you don’t bow down to it. However, you are on your knees celebrating your god’s birthday—December 25th—because Jesus Christ was not born in December, but in late August or early September, because Jesus was 33 ½ years old when He was crucified on the Passover, which occurs in late march or early April, so count back six months and you come up with September or August.
Another way is history tells us that Caesar Augustus made a decree that everyone had to be taxed and this was done in August or September of 4 BC. But all this is really irrelevant, because nowhere in the Scriptures does it state we are to keep the Lord’s birthday or celebrate His birthday.
However, the Ministers of this age teach that we should celebrate Christmas. They also put forth the desires of their “god”, who wants to go to heaven and take everyone with him, Isaiah 14:12-14. You hear it every time you go to a funeral. The spiel is, “They are not dead, but gone to their tabernacle in heaven and they are looking down on their loved ones”.
This is a lie that is being preached, but it is the same lie that was told in the beginning when the Serpent (Satan) told Eve, “You shall not die”, Genesis 3:4. So when the Preacher says that the deceased “Are gone home to Heaven” or “Made their transition/homecoming”, it is a lie! Your home is not in Heaven, but it is in the Earth, for the first man Adam was made a living soul, from the dust of the ground, 1 Corinthians 15:45, 47. So, our father, Adam, came from the ground, Genesis 2:7, verily when man dies, he returns to the ground from whence we came, Genesis 3:19.
The Devil wants to return to Heaven, because that is where he came from, Revelation12:7-9. The Scriptures say, “No man has ascended into Heaven”, John 3:13. This is part of the lie that his Ministers teach, namely, that when you die you are going to Heaven.
Another deception that his Ministers teach is that Jesus died on “Good Friday” and rose on “Easter Sunday morning”. This is one of the greatest lies ever told, because the Scriptures tell a different story. Jesus said He would be in the grave for three days and three nights, Matthew 12:39-40.
However, according to Daniel 9:26-27, “The Messiah was cut off in the middle of the week”. The middle of the week is the fourth day—Wednesday. If He was in the heart of the Earth for three days and three nights, He was in the grave Wednesday night; Thursday night; Friday night, which makes three nights. He was in the grave Thursday during the day, Friday during the day and Saturday during the day which equals three days, just as Jesus said in Matthew 12:39-40.
Yet, the Devil’s Ministers call Jesus a lie and say, “He died on Friday and rose Sunday morning (Easter Sunday) and have you come worship on Sunday at sunrise”, when in actuality you are being deceived by the Devil and his Ministers who have you worshiping the sun, because when Mary came to the sepulchre on the first day of the week while it was still dark, and Jesus was gone, for He had risen, John 20:1; Matthew 28:1-6, He rose at the end of the Sabbath day. Also, Jesus said to remember His death, not His resurrection, Luke 22:19-20, which we are to do every year at Passover, not Easter, nor the first Sunday of every month. So, are you beginning to see how the Devil deceives the whole world? He does it by way of religion.
Let us continue to another deception. How about the three wise men, where did they get that from? The Scriptures just say wise men came to Jerusalem, Matthew 2:1. So I ask you how did they come up with three? Perhaps it was because of the gifts!
Another lie they put forth is that the Church started on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2nd chapter. However if you read carefully you will see that on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-12) you will notice that there were only “Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven”, because the Lord had scattered Israel all over the Earth, for not keeping His commandments. These men knew who they were and came to keep Pentecost, as the Lord had commanded, Leviticus 23:15-16, 21.
They were not down in Jerusalem tarrying for the Holy Ghost, as the “god” of this world’s Ministers, but were keeping the Feast of Weeks/Pentecost, Exodus 34:22. Pentecost means fifty.
There were no Gentiles or anyone from another nation there when the Lord sent His Angels to translate the words that the Apostles were speaking. They have taken this, also, and turned it into a sign that you have to speak in tongues. You can see that the people like what the so-called Preachers teach, because they do not have to obey the Word of God. They say to their Ministers/Preachers, “Speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits”, Isaiah 30:9-10. They want to hear fables, Santa Claus is coming to town, or Here comes Peter Cottontail hopping down the bunny trail, or going to Heaven and let us not forget, the Lord loves everyone, 2Timothy4:3-4.
Another deception that is taught as doctrine is the Great Tribulation will be for seven years. They go to Daniel 9:27 to try to prove this errant statement. They use the ninth chapter of Daniel to say “the Antichrist will confirm the covenant with many for one week”, however, this is not talking about the Antichrist, it is speaking of the Lord. What I do not understand is how people don’t know the difference between confirm and make. The Great Tribulation will only be three and one half years, not seven. All this is written in the Scriptures of truth, Daniel 10:21.
Another doctrine is taught by Satan’s Ministers is what is called the Rapture. Here they really confuse the people, they teach that the Lord is coming to get His Church before the Tribulation but the Scriptures say the Son of Man is coming after the Tribulation, Matthew 24:29-30. We have a Post on most of these subjects, which goes into detail about such things as the Rapture.
One of the best taught false doctrines is the Trinity, “God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost”. Nowhere in the Scriptures can you find “God the Holy Ghost”, yet his (Satan’s) Ministers go to 1 John 5:7, to justify the Trinity, however, that is not what 1 John 5:7 is saying. It speaks of the Father; the Word (Son) and the Holy Ghost (Angel), that bare record in Heaven. You can see this clearly in Revelation 1:1. Here we see the three that bare record in Heaven: The Father gave the record to Jesus, Jesus gave record to His Angel whom He sent to give it to John, in the earth. But most people don’t want to see the truth.
They love to drink from the cup that is in the woman’s hand in Revelation 17:1-5; full of abominations. Since they do not want to hear the truth, God will send them a strong delusion that they should believe a lie, 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12. The Bible says “For if our Gospel is hid from them that are lost, for the god of this world has blinded them which believe not the truth”, 2 Corinthians 4:1-4.
If you think that your Pastor is teaching the truth, then, ask him to explain Matthew 24:15, if he can! If your Pastor is a “New Testament Preacher”, he doesn’t know what was spoken of by Daniel. It is evident that people do not know that the Lord said to “come out” of the false church and be not partakers in her sins that you receive not her plagues, Revelation 18:3-5.
“For they have transgressed the laws; changed the ordinance; broken the everlasting covenant”, Isaiah 24:5. And “speak not according to the Law (Old Testament) and the Testimony (New Testament) because there is no light in them”, Isaiah 8:20. So now, I pray that you can see some of the deception that the Devil puts forth. If what you are being taught is not in the Scriptures of Truth, put no stock in it!