Monday, December 29, 2008


I have been writing on the subject “God, the Holy Ghost”, showing that there is no such thing as a third part of the Godhead. I made the statement that the Spirit of Truth is Gabriel, who is one of the Lord’s Holy Angels.

Well, sometimes no matter how clearly your statement is made, some people refuse to see the truth even when it is made clear by letting God’s Word interpret God’s Word. For the scriptures are of no private interpretation, 2Peter 1:20-21, but prophecy came in old times by the Holy Ghost. We will be looking at the Holy Ghost that came to men. Turn to 1John 5:7, here we read “that three bear record in heaven, and these three are one”. Which simply means they all agree; not one person with three different personalities. More on this later, because I want to show you what every little thing means.

Now, let’s get back to the three that bear record in heaven. The Father gave record of His Son; 1John 5:10. We will now look at the Holy Ghost, which bears the record that the Father gave His Son. Turn to Revelation 1:1, here we see the same three that bear record in Heaven. Only in these verses the Holy Ghost is called an Angel, who was sent to John, who bears record in the Earth. Now, you would think that this would clear up the matter on who the Holy Ghost is that bears record with the Father and the Son, in heaven.

Let us continue: Turn to John 15:26, we read where Jesus sent the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, who will testify of Him. We know that the Angel is called the Comforter and the Spirit of Truth, because, in Revelation 22:16 Jesus tells us that He sent His Angel (Comforter) to testify of Him in the churches. Turn to Revelation 19:9-10, here we read that the Holy Angel is telling John not to bow down and worship Him for He is also a servant.

It is just amazing how all you see is an Angel that is doing the work that the majority of people say is “God, the Holy Ghost” Let’s turn to John 16:13-15, where Jesus tells us that the “Spirit of Truth that is to come, He will not speak of Himself, but whatsoever He hears, that will He speak”. He shall receive it from Jesus who received it from the Father. Sound familiar? It should, Revelation 1:1.

Well, let us take a look at some of the people He was sent to: In Acts 8:26-31, we read that an Angel tells Philip to go toward the south unto a way that is down from Jerusalem, where he saw an Ethiopian. Notice how at first he is called an Angel, and later a Spirit? Let’s continue; turn to Exodus 23:20-24, here we read how the Lord is telling Israel that He is sending an Angel before them, and to obey His voice because His (the Lord’s) name is in Him, and He (the Angel) will not pardon their transgressions. Notice how this Angel of the Lord is instructing the people? What I would like to know is when is God the Holy Ghost, (you know, the one that is the third part of the Godhead) going to do something?

Let us continue: Turn to John 15:26, we read where Jesus sent the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, who will testify of Him. We know that the Angel is called the Comforter and the Spirit of Truth, because, in Revelation 22:16 Jesus tells us that He sent His Angel (Comforter) to testify of Him in the churches. Turn to Revelation 19:9-10, here we read that the Holy Angel is telling John not to bow down and worship Him for He is also a servant.

It is just amazing how all you see is an Angel that is doing the work that the majority of people say is “God, the Holy Ghost” Let’s turn to John 16:13-15, where Jesus tells us that the Spirit of Truth that is to come, “He will not speak of Himself but whatsoever He hears that will He speak”. He shall receive it from Jesus who received it from the Father. Sound familiar? It should, Revelation 1:1.

Well, let us take a look at some of the people He was sent to: In Acts 8:26-31, we read that an Angel tells Philip to go toward the south unto a way that is down from Jerusalem, where he saw an Ethiopian. Notice how at first he is called an Angel, and later a Spirit? Let’s continue; turn to Exodus 23:20-24, here we read how the Lord is telling Israel that He is sending an Angel before them, and to obey His voice because His (the Lord’s) name is in Him, and He (the Angel) will not pardon their transgressions. Notice how this Angel of the Lord is instructing the people? What I would like to know is when is God the Holy Ghost, (you know, the one that is the third part of the Godhead) going to do something?

Let’s continue on; turn to Isaiah 63:7-15. Here we read how the Angel of His Presence saved them: “But they rebelled and vexed His Holy Spirit (Angel), therefore, He became their enemy. But the Lord remembered His people. "

Did you notice that the scripture said the Angel of His Presence, saved them? So let’s see who this Angel is because He stands in the Presence of God. Turn to Luke 1:1-20. Here we read about the Angel that was sent to Zacharias to inform him that he and his wife, Elisabeth, were going to have a child; and that he shall name him John. The Angel told him that His name was Gabriel, who stands in the Presence of God. Now we know the name of the Holy Spirit that will lead and guide us and inform us. Skip down to Luke 1:26-33. Here we read where the Angel, Gabriel, was sent from God to Mary to inform her that she was going to have a son and shall call his name Jesus.

I still have to ask you as we continue, when is God the Holy Ghost going to do something? Turn to Revelation 1:1, 10, 12-15. Here we read where Jesus sent His Angel to John; when John turned to see who was talking to him he gave a description of what he saw and how they looked. He said that he saw, “One like unto the Son of Man”. He did not say he saw the Son of Man, but one like unto the Son of Man.

We know that this is an Angel because Revelation 1:1 says Jesus sent His Angel to talk to John. Turn to Daniel 8:1; where we read that Daniel saw a vision. Now as he sought the meaning of the vision, Gabriel was told to make this man (Daniel) to understand the vision, in Daniel 8:15-16. We are not concerned about the vision Daniel had but how he came to understand the vision. If you noticed, it was the Angel, Gabriel, who was sent to Daniel.

Now, turn to Daniel 9:1-3. Here we see Daniel reading the book of Jeremiah—YES, Daniel read the Books of the Prophets—as he sought to understand what he was reading by prayer and supplications. Skip down to Daniel 9:20-22, while Daniel was speaking, Gabriel came and said to Daniel, “I am now come forth to give you skill and understanding”. Now turn to Daniel 10:5-7, here Daniel gives a description of the Angel Gabriel, which if you will turn to Revelation 1:12, 14-15, John sees the same thing.

Now skip down to Daniel 10:21, where we see Gabriel telling Daniel that He will show him what is noted in the scriptures of truth. Gabriel also tells Daniel that the only other Angel that knows these things is Michael.

We have read how every time an Angel is sent to give the understanding of visions. Hopefully, now, you understand that the Holy Ghost is an Angel. As a matter of fact, every time a name is given to this Angel, it is Gabriel. The Holy Angel, Gabriel, is the Comforter/Spirit of Truth.

In all this I cannot find, God the Holy Ghost. If there is a God the Holy Ghost, then tell me, please, what is His name?

The Father’s name is Jesus; the Son’s name before He became flesh and came in the Father’s name was Jehovah. The Angel, (Holy Spirit) that stands in the Presence of God, and bears record in Heaven is Gabriel.

When the Son and the Holy Spirit come in these latter times, they come in the name of Jesus. “For there is no other name given whereby men may be saved, but Jesus”, Acts 4:12.
So, as you read the Holy Scriptures, open your eyes and you will see that you don’t see No God the Holy Ghost.

Monday, December 15, 2008


I was reading a post the other morning about the Holy Ghost. It all stemmed from someone listening to our Sabbath Day Live Lesson about the GODHEAD. They were upset that the Holy Ghost/Spirit is not a part of the Godhead, Romans 1:20. The Godhead consists of two Jesus and Jehovah, the Father and the Son.

What is amazing is that people say there are three in the Godhead; the Holy Ghost being the third one. Well, let’s see if we can find him, because one person wrote that there are a trillion, and one, scriptures that name the three members of the Godhead. Well, I won’t ask for a trillion scriptures, I won’t even ask for two; but one will do, just one.

So let’s see if we can find this third member, the Holy Spirit that some call God the Holy Ghost. What is his name? Turn to Proverbs 30:1-4. The question was asked “What is the name of God and of His Son?” Notice he asked about two, not three, food for thought!

Now, turn to Isaiah 57:15, here you see the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, say, I dwell in the High and Holy place with Him, not them. Let’s take a look at this high and holy place where They dwell. Turn to Psalms 110:1 and Colossians 3:1. I do not know about you, but I only see two sitting on thrones.

However, we will continue; the third one must be somewhere if He is part of the Godhead. Let us go to the last book of the last books. Turn to the last chapter in the scriptures, Revelation 22:3; I still only see two. But, just to be sure let’s back up to Revelation 21:22. I still only read of two.

Well let’s go to the beginning, turn to John 1:1-2. After reading this I still don’t see more than two Gods. How about you, how many do you see?

Now, we will look for the Holy Ghost, which I will tell you from the onset that He is an Angel, not one of the Godhead, but merely a servant. And while we are on our way to finding out about the Holy Ghost, we will learn that the word SPIRIT applies to more than one thing. Now, we will be talking about Angels, which some people say are not Spirits but flesh. Let’s just see what the Lord says they are. Turn to Psalms 104:1-4; Hebrews 1:7; here we read that the Lord says, “His Angels are Spirits and His Ministers a flame of fire. They are also ministers/servants to them who shall be the heirs of salvation. Now, I know some people think that Angels are flesh, but they should keep in mind that the Angels stand before God in heaven and think about what the scriptures say. Jesus said that flesh and blood can not enter the Kingdom of God, which is in heaven, where He is sitting next to the Father on their thrones; 1 Corinthians 15:50.

Turn to Matthew 25:31; where we read that Jesus is coming out from heaven with His Holy Angels. So now, we know that the Angels in heaven are called Holy. We also read that the Angels are Spirit beings, and they are called Holy Angels or Holy Spirits. See how simple this becomes when you search the scriptures?

Turn to Exodus 3:1-6; here we see the Angel of the Lord appeared unto Moses in a flame of fire out of the burning bush. Did we not read that He makes His Angels Spirits a flame of fire. Also notice that when the Angel spoke unto Moses, He spoke to him in the first person. He spoke to him as though He was God. You can also read the same thing in Acts 7:30-33. Now here we see an angel talking to Moses as if He was God.

Turn to Judges 2:1-5. Here we read that the Angel of the Lord appeared unto the children of Israel, He spoke to them also in the first person, speaking as if He were God. Note that the only one being sent so far to talk to us is an Angel—Holy Spirit—or as in other cases He is called the Holy Ghost.
As I sit here, going through the scriptures, reading about the Holy Ghost, I have become somewhat perplexed about people calling an Angel, "God the Holy Ghost" and saying that they have scriptures to prove it. They really do not understand about the Holy Spirit. Here is an example, turn to Matthew 12:31-37.

Here we read of Jesus talking about the Holy Ghost saying, if you blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, “you won’t be forgiven in this world or the next”, well, most people say this is God the Holy Ghost, however, it is not. If you keep reading you will see it is the Words that men speak that they will have to give account for in the Day of Judgment. For they speak against His Holy Word; His Word is Spirit and they are Life, John 6:53-68. This is the Holy Ghost that Jesus is referring to. His Words that He speaks----If you say anything contrary to what Jesus says you are a blasphemer.

Such as: His “Word is God the Holy Ghost”, or saying that the “Holy Ghost is part of the Godhead”.

Well, I am going to publish this Post now, because I have taken too long in writing this. But, I will give more detail on that Holy Spirit, which some (many) say is God, and before I close, I want to ask, “Where is God the Holy Ghost, when the Lord proclaims “the name of the LORD”, in Exodus 34:5-6?
Brother Tyrone

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Dear Readers,

I am posting this e-mail that I wrote to an individual that assailed my sister. My Sister has been sending e-mails to her cyber-friends inviting them to join us on the Sabbath day:

Hello My Friends,

I have decided to create this document as a reminder to you all to come join me, and the congregation of
On the Sabbath Day,
Live at10:00 AM and 1:30 PM CST.
On Saturday, December 6, 2008

If by any chance you find this offensive, please, please inform me and I will immediately stop. I am not pushing anything on anyone I just merely wish to share the truth with my brothers and sisters.

I am certain that after you have taken the time to listen to the truth you will know it when you hear it, and quite a few of the mysteries of life will be revealed.

P.S. PLEASE REMEMBER: we are not of the Black Hebrew Israelites Religion; we are Bible believing Christians who merely happen to be Israelites.

The Love of Christ
To You All,
King's Kid

This was the response of one "friend":

Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2008 09:07:09 -0500
Shirley,Explain to me specifically what "truth" you want me and the others on your mailing list to receive?
Apparently there is a "truth" that you don't believe we already have, as you are sending out these emails offering us truth.
Let me explain to you the truth that I have.
I have the truth that Jesus Christ IS Lord. With all due respect, I find these emails inappropriate.
My Sister's response:

On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 4:34 PM,
I am sorry if I have offended you. Consider it a done deal. Please, forgive me.

To which she replied:

Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2008 17:27:40 -0500
I hope you understand that your minister is preaching a false gospel wherein he pretends that the Holy Ghost is an angel and says the Godhead consists of only the Father and Son...and says that the Father is Jesus....
Be veeeeery careful spreading that false word to people as God will hold you responsible.
I've warned you. If you continue, God will deal with you and it's a dangerous thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.I don't know how you got involved in that cult but you need to come up out of there. I'm through with it.
I gave you the real "truth" and you do with it as you see fit. I hope you make the right decision.
My Sister responded:

On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 7:12 PM,
Dear ****,
I intentionally did not answer you question as to -Explain to me specifically what "truth" you ...-because I knew that you really did not want to know. However since you pursued the matter I will answer. The reason that I know that what I believe and what Pastor Buie teaches is true is because it is written. I can always go directly to the word of a God and read, without a doubt, that what modern day christendom espouses is deception and blindness to a lost and dying world.

You say, "your minister is preaching a false gospel" however, if you have really heard him preach/teach or even read his text lessons, you can surely see that he is coming straight from the Bible. You say that, "he pretends....." and that "he says the Godhead...", you should take a second objective look because he is diligent to give scripture references, without fail. I'll tell you what, please e-mail me the scripture references that prove without a doubt that what he says that the Bible-- the Word of God, is saying in plain english--is not true.
Be veeeeery careful spreading that false word to people as God will hold you responsible. This is the exact same warning that I send right back to you, Lynn. However, I would change the word to "extreeeemly"
I know that you "do not how you (I) got involved...", but I do know how you got caught in that cult that you are in, but you need to come up out of there.Let us check before I become an accuser: you believe the Holy Spirit is a third member of the "trinity", find it in the Word of God. You worship your god on Sunday the day of the sun worshippers, instead of the day that Jesus told man to keep Holy. Your jesus died on Friday and rose on Sunday, when the Jesus of the Bible gave as a sign that the true Messiah would be in the heart of the earth for three (3) days and three (3) nights. You are an educated woman, ****, please decipher that for me, seeing whereas you view me as a blind and mindless follower of a cult leader. You and your deceased loved ones are going or are in heaven, correct? You have your salvation right now? You can eat anything "as long as you pray over it" even though in Leviticus 11 the Lord tells us what we can and cannot eat. Do you even keep your Sunday 'Sabbath' holy? Do you read your Bible or do you just go by what man has to say about the Bible?
**** in Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.---- the Lord say deceived the WHOLE world.
I gave you the real "truth" and you do with it as you see fit. I hope you make the right decision.

Her final response was:
Date: Sat 12/06/08 04:57 PM
Please cease contacting me.
To make a long story short this "friend" wrote a post about my Sister in which she vilified her as the DEVIL. You might be asking yourself "Why"?

She rejects the fact that the Holy Spirit IS NOT GOD! So I wrote a response and asked King's Kid to e-mail it to her:

Dear **** *****:
You seem to have all the answers in regard to the Holy Ghost being a member of the Godhead. However, neither you nor your supporters gave scriptures to support the Holy Ghost/Spirit being God.
Well, put on the gloves and let’s go to war. For some reason, you became very upset about the subject of the Godhead. Is it because you find it hard to believe that you have been taught is a lie, and that it challenges the things that you believe are correct?
Read Romans 1:17-22 17For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, “The just shall live by faith”.18For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;19Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.20For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:21Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

I have a post on the Godhead I would like you to read them and come out swinging, as you say.

But in the mean time, let me show you that the Holy Spirit is not part of the Godhead. Turn to I John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

1John5:10He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.

Here you see the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. The Father is God, the Word is Jesus the Son, and the Holy Ghost is…..?
Well, let us turn to:Revelation 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:

Here we read the three that bare record in Heaven as stated in 1 John 5:7 The revelation (record) of Jesus Christ (Son) which God (the Father) gave unto Him. And Jesus, the Son gave it to His Angel (Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost) to show to His servant (John) who bare record in the Earth.

So the three in Heaven that bare record are the Father, the Son and the Holy Angel (Ghost/Spirit), see how simple it is to understand God’s Word, if not read 1 John 5:10 very carefully.


BTW, ****, we do have the oracles of God—I can prove that. In other words, if you have any question about the scriptures just ask, and we will tell you where you can read it for yourself. Now, I ask you to show me God the Holy Ghost.

If you are interested I will tell you his name (the Holy Spirit), however you can read it @ here and here .

I will be posting on the HOLY SPIRIT very soon! You can reject truth all you want, however, I ask that you prove that the Holy Spirit is God, scripturally of course.

Brother Tyrone