Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I hear people say that they are “Born Again”. I ask, “How so?” They say they are a new person because they now go to church and are saved. Well, that all sounds good, but let’s just see what “Born Again” really means. Turn to John 3:1-4 . Here we read Jesus’ telling Nicodemus, “…except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God. Well everyone that says they are born again should be able to see the Kingdom of God.

Let’s talk about being born. Everyone that is here now was born into the family of man, that was a physical act. Now when you say you are “Born Again” a second time seems to me there should be a physical change. Well, let’s continue with the conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus; John 3:4-8. After Jesus said you must be born again to see the kingdom of God, Nicodemus knew he was talking about a physical change, because, he asked how can a man be born again, when he is old can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb, and be born again. This question that Nicodemus asked Jesus seems to have gone by the majority of Christendom, which says they are “Born Again”, because they have no physical change. They say that when they started going to church that they were "saved and born again", because they don’t smoke or drink and have changed their way of living. I can’t say that they are keeping God’s commandments. The reason I say this is because of what Jesus tells Nicodemus in John 3:5, “Unless you are born of the water and of the Spirit, you can not enter into the Kingdom of God”. So, what is this water that you must be born of? And, did you notice that He said you also must be born of the Spirit. What Spirit is this?

Well, let’s travel through the pages of the Holy Scriptures and find out what is the true meaning of being Born Again. In John 3:6-7, you know that it is a physical change because Jesus said that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. However, before you can be born of the Spirit, which is a physical change, you must be born of the water. You must be born by the Word of God, 1 Peter 1:23. The Word of God is the "Water" that Jesus is speaking of, Isaiah 55:1-3, this is the "Water" that you can drink of freely. For whosoever will, come take of the water of life freely, Revelation 3:17. Did you notice the keyword hear? For you have to HEAR the Word of God, which are the Words of Truth, James 1:17-18, 21, and DO THEM. The Lord will wash you with the water of the Word if you are in His Church (Israel), Ephesians 5:25-27, because the Lord will blot out your transgressions and wash you from your iniquity, Psalms 51:1-3, 7, 10.

So now, I ask those who say that they are “Born Again”, how is this so, if you have not been washed with the Word of God? The Lord said He would make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, Jeremiah 31:31; Hebrews 8:8-12; Hebrews 10:16, 22, and would wash us with pure water, if we draw near with a true heart. Did you notice that He said He would wash the house of Israel with the Word! He would put His laws in their inward parts and write them in their hearts; Jeremiah 31:33.

So, if you are "Born Again" I can ask you about the commandments that God gave Israel, in Exodus 20. Such as, “What is the fourth commandment?” Can you answer without looking it up, because His laws are “written on your heart”. If you are born again (of the Spirit of God—His Word), then you know that you have to become a part of the commonwealth of Israel, Ephesians 2:11-13, 18-19, the household of God, and you are keeping His commandments, such as Exodus 20:8-11, which is the fourth commandment to keep and observe the Sabbath Day. What day of the week is the Lord’s Day? The seventh day of the week is the Lord Sabbath Day, not Sunday the first day of the week, which most so-called “born again Christens” call the Lord’s Day.

So, I ask “How are they born again if they observe the first day of the week as the “Sabbath” day?” I also notice that these Christens eat whatever they want, not observing the animals, fish, and fowl that may be eaten and those which may not be eaten, Leviticus 11:1-47. Today’s Christens say all you have to do is pray over your pork chops, ham, catfish, shrimp, and lobster, etc., etc., because the Dietary Law is no more. They use Scriptures like Acts 10:1-16 to say this means you can now eat anything. However, that was not what Peter’s vision was about. Let’s look at another of their most favorite Scriptures which they like to quote, or should I say misquote, 1 Timothy 4:4-5, which is not talking about food and what you can eat.

When they are in church on Sunday cooking breakfast sausage and bacon, selling church dinners and have pork and catfish in their menus, they have no idea that they are fulfilling prophecies of Scripture when they say they are "born again" and have become saved sanctified, blessed and highly favored, Isaiah 65:2-5; Isaiah 66:17. When they were born again, what were they born into? Because they eat swine’s flesh behind one tree in the midst of the garden, which is the Tree of Knowledge of Goof and Evil, Genesis 2:9, 17. The Word is the Living Water that can make you clean, John 15:1-3.

The “Shepherds” have not fed the flock but feed themselves, Ezekiel 34:2-3, 9, 18-19, they have fouled the waters, (the Word) with their feet and have caused the people to drink polluted water, instead of the Living Waters from the Lord, Jeremiah 17:13. So when they say they are “born again”, ask them if they know about being born of the water! If you are born of the water then you understand about being born of the Spirit, and you are waiting for the appointed time to be Born Again. When you are physically Born Again you will receive a Spiritual body. We are now flesh and blood, born into the family of man. However, we are patiently waiting for our change, to be born of the Spirit. You would know this if you are already born of the water (Word), because you must be born of the Spirit to see the Kingdom of God. That is what Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:3; nor can you enter the Kingdom of God, John 3:5. Flesh and blood can not inherit the Kingdom of God, 1 Corinthians 15:50.

Most so-called, “Christens” think that the Kingdom of God is Jesus’ Kingdom. However, it is the Father’s Kingdom that will come down to us, out of heaven, Revelation 21:2, after Jesus returns with His Armies and sets up His Kingdom, Revelation 19:11-16, to rule the Earth for a thousand years with His Saints, Revelation 20:4-6.

Did you notice as you were reading that this is the first resurrection when you can truly say that you are Born Again, because you have been changed or translated just like Enoch? Hebrews 11:5, that you should not see death. But what of those who have died, while claiming that they were “born again”? Were they born of the Water, so that when the Lord calls will they hear? Job knew that he had to be changed, Job 14:14-15 and he knew that the Lord would call him and that He would see the Lord in the latter day, Job 19:24-27. Jesus said the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live, John 5:25. This is the first resurrection and it is for those that died having been born of the Water (Word), that they may hear the voice of God when He calls.

Let’s take a look at Jesus, He was born into the family of man, Luke 1:26-35; He became flesh and blood, John 1:14; He was called the Son of Man, Luke 6:5. His was His first birth, He became God’s Son when He rose from the dead, Romans 1:3-4, this was His second birth—that He is the firstborn of the dead, from among many brethren, Colossians 1:12-18; Romans 8:29. He is the beginning of the Father’s Creation, Revelation 3:14.

So now I ask, “If you say you are going to heaven what Water/Word were you born from?”, because everyone that has lived and died are in the grave, not in heaven, no part of them, spirit, soul, or body. When you are born of the Water, then you are full of the Lord’s Spirit, which is His Words, John 6:63 and when you are born of the Spirit your body will change, 1 Corinthians 15:46-49.


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